Matchsticks or Burning?
Sometimes I am asked how do I stay alert when driving at night time. Many of us have probably seen images of Mr Bean using various means to stay awake when driving a long distance through France through the night. These include using match sticks to keep his eyes open as well as
Sometimes I am asked how do I stay alert when driving at night time. Many of us have probably seen images of Mr Bean using various means to stay awake when driving a long distance through France through the night. These include using match sticks to keep his eyes open as well as putting his fingers into the cigar lighter to evoke pain to keep him alert.
I can honestly say that I have not tried either of those methods and neither do I intend to!
So, joking aside, how can this be done, when your body is naturally closing down at night time and wanting rest?
I have to say that those of us who work at night as well as day, need to find times to get the rest and sleep that our bodies need before we take to the road. So for me, preparation is key when I know in advance that I am going to be driving at night. My family also help me with this and keep reminding me to get the rest I need.
The Institute of Advanced Motorists, now call IAM Roadsmart, we have what we call a cockpit drill, P O W D E R Y, which is a check list to be used to ensure the car is ready for a journey but also ourselves. It checks the following:
P - Propulsion, is there enough diesel or petrol for the journey?
O - are the Oil levels correct?
W - do the Water levels need topping up?
D - is there any Damage on the body work of the car that needs fixing?
E - are the Electrics working correctly?
R - checking the Rubbers, so, tyres and wipers.
Y - You - so am I fit to drive?
Of the above, the last one mentioned is ourselves - we must only drive when fit to do so. So given this, my top tips that seem to work for me, knowing that these and, or others, work for different people, are the following. When passengers/clients are onboard, the temperature is often set for their comfort and not my own, so the below are the ones that work for me:
I give myself a running commentary of what I am observing on the route ahead, so that I am prepared for a change in road circumstances. I do not speak this out loud!
Extra strong mints and Fishermans Friends, help me to sharpen my mind
My seat is positioned so that it is not too comfortable - often very close to the dashboard
I alternate my air vents near me so that are focussed on my face or hands
Once I have delivered my clients and I am on my own in the car, I take a break as soon as I can, grab a coffee and then set myself up for the journey back to our base. Then, I do not have to keep the car cosy and warm and I can revert to whatever my body needs, so that can include the following:
Keeping my fluids up
Make the car cool and open windows if needs be
Take appropriate breaks and rest
I hope the above helps anyone else, but the overriding rule, is that we should only drive when safe to do so.
No more match sticks and burning fingers!!
Pink Moon
Being asked to meet people at airports or collect them for the airport, means that I need to be on the road at all times of day and night.
One of the rewards of getting up in the early hours of the morning is that
Being asked to meet people at airports or collect them for the airport, means that I need to be on the road at all times of day and night.
One of the rewards of getting up in the early hours of the morning is that on clear nights, it is a joy to look up and admire the night sky. This week, was one such occasion, when as I travelling East on the M4 I was facing the most beautiful pink moon as it was rising above the horizon.
The moon looked so much larger than normal and I felt so privileged to be able to witness such an amazing sight.
Our heavens do look majestic on these cold dark nights. Unfortunately, as I was driving on the motorway I was not able to even stop to take a photograph which for sure would not have done the moon any justice.
Once I came off the motorway and needed to navigate through country roads to a location near my ‘pick-up’ to prepare the car, I was then presented with a ghostly barn owl as it flew across the road.
Night time driving is so rewarding especially when it is dry and we have those wonderfully clear nights.
On other occasions, I have seen opportunist foxes as they go on the search for food for their young.
When I park up near my clients place and start to wax the car again in preparation, I often wonder what people think when they notice this strange sight of a bloke in a suit with a coat on, waxing a car at ‘stupid o’clock’ in half light. It must look so odd, but I carry on, as this is what we do - indeed it is our Ways Of Working - we call it our WOW factor.
The down side of travelling at night time, is that I also need to make sure that I get enough sleep, which I do during the days at different times. This takes me back to when I was young growing up in the family home, when my father would often have a nap just after lunch - I am sure he was then younger than I am now.
Who would believe that I am now the one taking those all important naps in the middle of the day. I find that if I only catch an hour of shut eye during the day, it is enough to revitalise me for the next journey. Obviously, the amount of day time sleep I need, depends upon the activity of the night before or indeed the night to come, as I may take advantage of sleep before a night time job where necessary.
This is something my family is very hot on, ensuring I get the sleep I must have in order to be safe on night time driving.
Keep safe on the roads folks!