Stay Home, Protect NHS, Save Lives
As we are sure you are all aware, we are unable to provide our chauffeur services currently as it is sadly impossible for us to observe the social distancing rules. Life is certainly very different to what it was at the beginning of the year!
What have we been doing?
Over the last month we have had numerous DIY projects ticked off the to-do list; finished building the greenhouse, hung the driveway gates (this means Clover, our dog, is able to roam freely in the garden safely kept away from the road), started growing fruits, vegetables and mountains of salad - although they are all rather small seeds at the moment. The garage is now fully organised and Dave has started to give our big cats a deep polish and wax.
Next up for us, is to start repairing our walls and decorating inside following the rewire that we had done earlier in the year.
Clover has loved 'helping' us dig new borders - here she is making the potato bed!
The government's help for small businesses sadly doesn't include us, so as we have no income coming in, Dave has had to diversify and recently started delivering parcels for Hermes. This was just a trial and we have found that using our big cat for this wasn't financially viable and too much risk to her, so we have decided to put the breaks on that idea for now.
It was amazing how many parcels fo varying sizes and weights that could be fit into the car, even though the back seats were down. All the leathers were protected of course!
Dave has been applying for numerous temporary jobs - supermarket delivery driver, keyworker positions and more to help tide us over until we can get back to normal. Hannah has also applied for lots of jobs, she is hoping to start a career in the care sector. Once the business is up and running again, she'll be able to keep working part time in our business.
How have you been coping with the huge change in circumstances? Have you had to diversify in ways you never imagined? Are you getting to catch up on the to-do list?
We'd love to hear from you. In the meantime, we hope you are staying well and coping during this social distancing period.
To discuss any questions you may have about travelling when we are permitted to, after the virus passes, get in touch now by:
📞 07850 100 859
"Where's Tha Bin?"
Often I have been asked what the longest journeys I have done with clients are. Until last autumn, I would have said going from our previous base in Royal Wootton Bassett to collect a client in Milton Keynes, travel to Harrogate and then bring them back to RWB. Also on the list would have been to collect clients from St Mawes near Truro and then travel to Barnsley near Cirencester.
But last autumn I had a job that took me to
Often I have been asked what the longest journeys I have done with clients are. Until last autumn, I would have said going from our previous base in Royal Wootton Bassett to collect a client in Milton Keynes, travel to Harrogate and then bring them back to RWB. Also on the list would have been to collect clients from St Mawes near Truro and then travel to Barnsley near Cirencester.
But last autumn I had a job that took me to a little village called West Witton in North Yorkshire after meeting my clients off their 05:55am plane at Heathrow.
Here’s a little insight into a day in the life of a chauffeur…
That day for me started at 02:45 when my alarm went off leaving an hour as normal, for me to get up and get ready to leave our base at 03:45. One of the first things I do after the alarm goes off, is to check the flight online to see how it is tracking. As our clients were on a long haul, I checked before going to bed early the night before and the indication was then that they were in flight and on schedule.
When checking after waking again, the flight is running on time. Good to know.
I left for Heathrow at 03:45 and as expected, the M4 was pretty clear except for the usual flow of heavy duty trucks and the occasional taxis.
Arriving at Heathrow around 05:15, the first thing I did was set up the Sat-Nav for West Witton, and then go into the terminal to ‘check the score board’, as I call it.
Their flight was due to land at 06.11, so not far off the scheduled landing. I prepared my welcome SMS and headed straight back to the car. No request for a newspaper for our clients this time, from their response 2 days previously when I sent them an SMS confirming I’ll ‘be there’ for them.
My next task was to fully wax our big cat including the wheels, for that all important first impression, making her all sparkling once again for our clients, after the journey to Heathrow that morning.
Around 06:00, I headed back to the terminal, used the conveniences, and then checked the score board, and once the plane was landed, I sent our SMS message welcoming them back to the UK, confirming that I was there for them, with offers of hot drinks for their journey.
No need to stand in my position until the plane had reached ‘arrived’ status as it is then that it is parked up. Once they were through Security, I received an SMS at 06:55 with the request for 2 hot chocolates.
Greeting our clients with their names on an iPad, just after 07:00 fully uniformed, with a smile and their drinks, they came through to Arrivals and I helped them with their luggage. Off we went to the car and while they made themselves comfortable inside, I loaded the luggage in the boot.
In addition to the hot drinks, I gave them cooled bottled water, snacks and cables for phones, and once on our way, adjusted the air conditioning to their liking, letting them know that I only travel to the speed limit, when safe to do so, and should at any time they wish me to slow down, they only need to ask.
Occasionally, I checked that the air conditioning was to their liking, and only responded in conversation when they initiated - respecting their time to relax after the long haul flight. The sound system remained off and as is my norm, only goes on at the clients request.
Ahead of us was 250 miles and with one pit stop around 09:30 requested by them, we arrived at their destination around 12:30.
The overall fuel economy for that day so far was 52mpg before I headed back down South again, which included some Heathrow and M1 traffic, so I was quite pleased about that.
Thankfully Hannah had already booked me into The White Lion Inn, Skipton for lunch. It’s a lovely little pub in the Yorkshire Dales located by a quiet stream at the foot of a valley. Beautiful spot for lunch and a rest period. I fully recommend them.
I was due that same day to have a meeting with a HNW agent in central Manchester, this was arranged as I was practically passing their offices, so I started to head back down south and managed to get to the meeting around 17:30, after fighting through city traffic. Hannah managed to find me a great parking place and guided me there while I was on the phone with her hands free. It turned out to be a very useful meeting and a great connection made, which will hopefully bring more business our way on a referral basis in the coming year.
My return from Manchester, was much more leisurely in that I had no time constraints, so could take more breaks as I needed them and have the radio on so I arrived back at our base around 22:00.
Overall fuel economy that was for 625 miles that day, was 49mpg, which again, I was very pleased with for a 3ltr diesel, especially driving through both the Yorkshire Dales and Moors and Central Manchester at rush hour, not forgetting Heathrow mayhem to start with.
Yes it was a long, but productive day and at all times safety was my first priority.
We have since received a lovely five star google review from our clients, check out our reviews to see if you can spot which one it was!
Do I regret being a chauffeur now?
My deepest regret about being in business now is that my parents never got to know about it and that we started our family business after they both passed away, both aged 88. My mother died in 2011 and my father in 2014, after which the idea about
My deepest regret about being in business now is that my parents never got to know about it and that we started our family business after they both passed away, both aged 88. My mother died in 2011 and my father in 2014, after which the idea about being in business ourselves came alive in 2016 when we formed DB Weddings Cars and then 2017, when DB Executive Travel was birthed, becoming DB Executive Travel & Wedding Cars.
It was my parents who were my example of exemplary customer care when together with my uncle, my father’s brother, they ran a garage business, G & K Barnes Ltd for all their working lives. So, I grew up in the family business environment, and was trained in my early teenage years and early 20s about looking after customers and learning that the customer is always right.
In addition to the above, my own older brother, Adrian also ran his own business until he became terminally ill and then sadly passed away recently in May 2019. After my parents deaths, it was Adrian whom I turned to and shared about our own quality chauffeur business, who was always very interested and provided me with so much encouragement - in fact, he would often tell me that I should be charging double the price I was for such good care!
Today, we have a very solid support network, along with many regular clients, and multiple new clients every month, as well as our own family who provide that support, encouragement and feedback. We are thankful to every one of them and every single supporting comment and client testimonial that is sent to us.
So what training did I receive over 40 years ago that has such a strong bearing in the way we run our executive chauffeur business now?
My first introduction to customer care was when I had a weekend job serving customers on the petrol pumps, when I was also required to check the tyre pressures, oil and water levels, wash the windscreen as well as ‘fill her up with 4 star’, as I was often asked.
Payment was made by hard cash in those days, so I learnt how to add amounts up in my head, and give the correct change.
At the end of each shift, I was then required to balance the till, to ensure that the monies we received were equal to the takings reported on the pumps as well as the stock of other items like oil and accessories sold. I have to say that there was a huge amount of trust given me, but then I shadowed the experienced attendant for some time of course, until I was competent to be on my own.
In the early 1980s, after having started my own accounting career, I then moved back to work full time at the garage as their management accountant, along with being Forecourt manager, when I was once again back on the pumps occasionally, but also training and looking after other staff to provide the set high level of customer care that I was taught many years previously. Those were the days of course, when computers and mobile cellphones as they were initially called, were just being introduced!
Also, during my 15 years working in a major corporate company, which I often refer to, when I was travelling often across mainland Europe and the USA, I spent too much time at airports waiting for my arranged ‘lift’ to the office or hotel, and then experiencing what I would call as sub standard driving and customer care. During those times, I was learning the pain points of a traveller, which enables me now to provide totally the opposite with our executive chauffeur and wedding car business.
Today, I am very pleased that our youngest of 3 adult daughters, Hannah, has developed such a high level of customer care as well, which is confirmed by our clients who she usually speaks to on the phone before I get to meet them. Hannah has a wonderful telephone manner that is extremely calm and she is able to reassure clients whether for weddings or executive chauffeur services, that they will be looked after.
Our guarantees are able to be delivered because of the background we have along with the 100% commitment in the team to ensuring that clients will be kept safe and comfortable, while we guarantee that we operate legally and reliably.
In answer to my headline question, ‘Do I regret being a chauffeur now?”, the answer is absolutely not, apart from the fact that I am not able to share our vision with my parents, but those who know our family have kindly said that they believe my parents would have been proud of what we have achieved and would have been our biggest supporters. I would like to think they would.
Have you got what it takes?
During the middle of 2019, I was looking for an organisation who shared the same values as us. Having already qualified as an IAM Roadsmart Advanced driver 9 years ago, and then a Masters driver in 2017, what more could I do to both improve and gain accreditation demonstrating that I had the necessary skillset for our clients peace of mind?
During the middle of 2019, I was looking for an organisation who shared the same values as us. Having already qualified as an IAM Roadsmart Advanced driver 9 years ago, and then a Masters driver in 2017, what more could I do to both improve and gain accreditation demonstrating that I had the necessary skillset for our clients peace of mind?
I constantly notice licensed drivers speeding past me as I travel at the speed limits. Additionally, when I was working in a different career and used taxis and executive cars, I was in the back of the car, wondering when he would slow down as I saw the cars in front getting very quickly so close. Rarely was there a gradual decrease in speed and rarely was the appropriate speed approached when nearing corners and traffic lights, for example.
Enough of criticising others, and let’s focus on the service we provide. When starting our business I was and still am, convinced that we can provide a service that guarantees not only our reliability, but also that our passengers can be safe and comfortable as well as guaranteeing that we operate legally. So there we have it, our guarantees set out in black and white as some of our unique selling points. Another USP is that I have been where most of my clients currently are before they meet us, that is I have experienced the pain points of a traveller in that I rarely felt safe or comfortable when being driven by others.
That’s all well and good us stating what our guarantees are, but last year I was looking for a body that could properly assess our standard to provide that recognition that we really do what we say we do.
In my search, I came across the Guild of Professional Chauffeurs that stood out among the others. As opposed to offering a home study course and pay the money to gain membership, or just paying to get in, they provide an assessment day when a written exam is taken after route planning exercise (RPE) is submitted, and then a practical driving assessment, not forgetting that the applicant must have a current emergency of work first aid qualification.
I was to be assessed in a life like situation, meeting and greeting one of the assessors in role play as a VIP top executive taking him to central Oxford from their base near Bicester.
Before the drive started, one of the Guild assessors inspected our big cat as well
Having completed the RPE beforehand, I had 2 optional routes and on the day I chose my first route with my sat nav all set.
I greeted the VIP, and went through my normal routine as I do with every single client, offering him bottled water and a snack, checking if he needed a cable for charging his phone, letting him know that the air con can be changed should he prefer hotter or colder, and letting him know for his peace of mind, that I travel up to the speed limit when safe to do so, and that if he wanted me to slow down, then he only has to ask.
Just after starting the journey, I gave him an approx ETA which is of course dependant on the traffic.
As we progressed on the journey which was expected to be about an hour, he presented me with the first of three issues that I had to adjust for. Not giving anything away, the purpose of these issues, is to check how I handle a change in plan to ensure that I can handle the pressure that comes with it. Sometimes ‘stuff’ happens and the clients requirement change without any notice, so the assessment is also, to discover how I as a chauffeur, can adjust to my clients requirements.
The VIP (also an assessor) along the journey was all the time checking whether I kept within the legal road conditions and whether he felt safe and comfortable at all times.
At the end of the drive, when back at the base, the VIP joined the other assessors and they then compared notes about my dress code, presentation of my car, the Highway Code exam, RPE and the drive and thankfully confirmed that I had passed.
For me to be awarded the certificate and pin, was not just a badge to wear, but allowed me to provide the services we do, with pride knowing that I had earned the right to be called an executive chauffeur, as I had my skillset assessed by very well qualified assessors.
For our clients, this provides them with peace of mind in the knowledge that they will be looked after by us - a standard that anyone who works for us as we expand in the future will also have to achieve.
For other chauffeurs, I challenge you to also be assessed with the plan of becoming a member of the Guild of Professional Chauffeurs - The main goal of the GoPC is to establish itself as the benchmark for professional standards and to become the marque of quality-recognisable to those wishing to enter, or already working within the industry, the customer, licensing authorities, and the media. to read more of their Mission click on this link.
To check our availability, get in touch by:
Stress Free and Safe in the Winter
The time has come when the average temperature drops and, yes, more rain falls than in the beautiful summer months. The likelihood of more white stuff is upon us, but should we need to do anything different to ensure our cars are winter ready?
The time has come when the average temperature drops and, yes, more rain falls than in the beautiful summer months. The likelihood of more white stuff is upon us, but should we need to do anything different to ensure our cars are winter ready?
Bodywork Protection
For us, we need to keep our big cats in pristine condition all year round, and at the moment we are starting to prepare them with extra detailing.
All our materials are purchased from our preferred supplier The Clay Cloth Company, who we fully recommend (we are not sponsored). They can advise on the different types of polishes and waxes that would be more suitable for the paint type on your car.
The process for us all kicks off with a clay cloth treatment after washing the car as normal using CCC Ocean Jade pH Neutral Vehicle Shampoo.
The reasons for using a clay cloth are below:
Removes bonded contaminants
Before polishing provides a clean canvas
Prevents dragging particles across the panel
Once the paint surfaces have been fully clayed, rinsed and dried off using micro fibre drying towels, the next stage is applying the polish.
Car polish is a product that uses fine amounts of abrasive compounds in order to remove very very fine layers of the top coat to flatten out the surface to ensure an equal reflection of the light, thus producing a highly polished look.
Currently, I use Killerwaxx #3 Final/Swirl Remover Light compound which is an extremely fine, non-diminishing abrasive polish is designed to remove light buffing marks and swirl marks while creating a high-gloss finish. Recommended as a Machine Polish/Glaze after compounding, or as a stand-alone for light cut polishing needs, outstanding results are realised on all types of paint/clear including OEM and customs without dusting or swirling.
For waxing I use Killerwaxx Blue Dream Carnauba Paste Wax
Wax in its natural form can come as vegetable waxes, carnauba, animal and bees wax to name a few. It's these natural properties of some of these waxes that make them ideal for use in car waxes, with the most popular for use in the automotive industry being carnauba wax.
Blue Dream repels water, dirt, dust, oil, and resists smudges and fingerprints, allowing dirt to slide off the paint. Incredible sheeting action cuts your drying time in half and leaves the paint spotless.
Applied with a Flexipad Pro Applicator Pad, the wax goes on like butter and comes off just as easy without leaving any white residue!
There is no requirement to rub hard like other waxes on the market, just allow to haze over and buff off with a quality microfibre cloth or 'Big Orange' Microfibre Drying Towel Dual Pile from the Clay Cloth Company for the ultimate deep glossy shine!
Servicing & Tyres
It is always best to ensure your car is fully serviced, which includes having the air conditioning serviced, as well as checking the wiper blades and cracks in the windscreen.
High on our list is also exchanging our summer tyres for winter ones. Since using winter tyres, we have noticed a marked difference in the level of grip especially during snow. That said, unless the journey is absolutely essential, advice is always to not drive in heavy snow or icy conditions.
Obviously throughout the year, it is important to ensure your tyres have the correct pressure in them and also the correct depth of at least the UK minimum of 1.6mm, which not only improves road handling, but also save on field economy in some cases, by 20%. Because one day I can be taking a single passenger, and later in the same day, I could have 4 passengers, and for this reason I have our tyres inflated ready for a heavy load all the time.
Needless to say, having the correct pressure, means that we are not damaging the environment as much as otherwise. Every little helps doesn’t it?
Ready for Snow
When we take on a client booking during snowy conditions, our first consideration is safety and if we believe the roads are not safe we will advice the client accordingly.
It is a Highway Code requirement to ensure that all windows are completely clear before setting off on a journey. It also states that any snow built up on the car should be removed before setting off.
When embarking on a car journey particularly a long one in the extreme sub zero temperatures, it is advised to have with you de-icer, ice scraper, blankets, coats, snow shovel, hot drink flask, snacks, first aid kit and a fully charged mobile phone.
Of course, the above is sound advise for driving yourself, but the other option is to allow us to take all the stress and strain of getting you to your destination on time and in a clam and relaxed environment. We would be very happy to discuss this with you, and now as a member of the Guild of Professional Chauffeurs as well as an IAM Roadsmart Advanced Masters driver, you can be assured of our guarantees that travel with us is safe and comfortable and that we operate legally and are reliable, which helps to ensure that we do the waiting so you don’t have to.
Legal & Reliable, 100% Guaranteed - How?
We guarantee your travel with us is safe and comfortable, guaranteeing we are legal and reliable - we do the waiting so our clients do not!
This is the third and final in a mini series about our guarantees - we guarantee that we are legal and reliable, so what’s included in this?
Let’s talk about being legal first and in what ways our executive chauffeur service stays within the law.
Yes, this really is what we aim to do, which not only applies to the way we deliver a drive as well as the way we operate the business.
We guarantee your travel with us is safe and comfortable, guaranteeing we are legal and reliable - we do the waiting so our clients do not!
This is the third and final in a mini series about our guarantees - we guarantee that we are legal and reliable, so what’s included in this?
Let’s talk about being legal first and in what ways our executive chauffeur service stays within the law.
Yes, this really is what we aim to do, which not only applies to the way we deliver a drive as well as the way we operate the business.
Licensing and Insurance
We naturally have the relevant licenses for providing vehicle hire which includes an operating license for the business, private vehicle hire license for the car and finally the private hire driver’s license for the executive chauffeurs.
Without any of these licenses that are issued by Wiltshire Council, we are unable to provide our executive chauffeur services for airports, events or special occasions whether for business or pleasure. Thankfully we have an exception certificate meaning that we do not need to have these signs displayed on our vehicle, and neither do I need to have my personal licenses on display. We do however, have to have these available should we be asked to present them any time.
Each of the licenses must be renewed regularly meaning that the necessary tests have to be undergone.
Our licensed Jaguar XFS must have an MOT every 6 months to remain licensed and any damage done to the car is required to be repaired without delay.
Of course, we have all the relevant insurances, including the household upgrade to enable us to welcome clients into our home office when necessary. This is sometimes required when wedding couples or those looking to hire us for proms, want to meet us and the cars in advance.
Driving legally
Our aim is to build the business with strong ethics and integrity based upon our core values. So naturally, we ensure all our chauffeurs, whether for our wedding car service or for our executive travel service, operate within the law and adhere to UK driving laws.
Speed Limits
This includes the way we drive to the speed limit when it is safe to do so, and we aim to make sure we do not exceed that limit. Quite simply, this gives our clients peace of mind and helps to provide a stress free journey, helped by also keeping an appropriate distance form the vehicles in front.
Mobiles & Smoking
Continually, even these days, I see other providers on their mobile phones whilst driving with or without a passenger onboard. All our chauffeurs have their phones on silent, out of sight and disconnected from the car, so they are not used in any way while clients are onboard.
In addition, I notice other drivers smoking inside their licensed vehicle, albeit with the window down and without a passenger. For a licensed car, smoking in the car is illegal.
We provide our executive chauffeur and wedding car chauffeur services that stay within the law in every way, which provides our clients with comfortable travel knowing that we are not distracted by phone calls. Our drivers do not smoke anywhere near our cars which means that all our passengers can travel without feeling uncomfortable.
Staying alert
It has been said to me by other people, although thankfully this has not been my experience, that they have travelled with other providers who were struggling to stay awake when driving at night. Whilst I feel for both the drivers and their passengers under these circumstances, our pledge and guarantee for our clients includes that we drive safely, which means that our drivers must be ‘fit to drive’.
When we take on bookings, we consider the travel that is already booked with the same chauffeur and ensure in advance, that enough rest time is allowed before we take on the booking.
Highway Code & Qualifications
Each of our chauffeurs have a strong knowledge of the UK Highway Code and the minimum requirement for being a chauffeur for us, is that they must be qualified advanced drivers with IAM RoadSmart.
For our licensed travel service, our executive chauffeurs must also have been qualified at Master level with IAM RoadSmart.
So, how is this achieved with our executive chauffeur and wedding car service?
Contingency time
When we plan our route and timing to arrive for a client wherever they are, we allow time to clean and wax the car before we greet them. For airports, we plan to arrive and park before the plane has landed, knowing the client needs to go through security and often baggage reclaim. This gives us contingency timing just in case.
Trial Drives
For weddings the assigned chauffeur will conduct a trial drive of the route that is planned the week before the wedding. This gives us a good feel for the timing and ensures that we are fully aware of the various locations where we are picking up people and taking them.
For weddings, we also travel to what we have defined, as the previously identified ‘pre-location’ site, which allows the chauffeur to fully detail wax the car within a short distance from the first pick up point.
Our guarantees do not include an immaculately waxed Jaguar, although that is always our aim, so if traffic delays happen, then this is the time that is used up, instead of being late for our clients.
SMS Messages
An essential part of our planning, are the SMS messages we send around 2 days prior to meeting our clients for executive travel. These messages allow us to confirm the details of where we are picking them up from and taking them, including any flight information. This gives peace of mind to our clients so they know they have not been forgotten.
Also when we are at the Airport Arrivals, they receive another SMS from us, saying we are there for them along with an offer of hot drinks.
Our whole service is about providing stress free travel and peace of mind. There are many other aspects to our full service which we would be only too pleased to discuss with anyone who would like to contact us.
Executive Travel: or call 07850 100859
Wedding Cars: or call 07548 931339
Comfort Guaranteed - Who says?
I have often been asked, why Jaguar?
Why not Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volvo or perhaps a Tesla? Why not? The list is endless, but to answer this obvious question I need to go back to our roots first of all………………
I have often been asked, why Jaguar?
Why not Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volvo or perhaps a Tesla? Why not? The list is endless, but to answer this obvious question I need to go back to our roots first of all.
While I was working for other companies, as a family we needed cars that were spacious and comfortable - the latter due to health reasons, as we were not getting any younger!
From my earlier articles on our website and LinkedIn, you will find that the years before we chose Jaguar we drove Vauxhalls, specifically the Carlton and lately the Omega. When production of the Omega ended, we then had to look to other brands for the large comfortable alternative.
It was then that after test driving many other brands and models, that we drove our first Jaguar, albeit the smallest, an X Type that we were sold. Yes, that then led to the S Type, which we still have that is now only used for weddings, to our the current licensed car our XFS, as well as the family X Type Estate.
You only need to read through our dozens of 5 star reviews including currently over 60 on google to find that our clients love the S Type and XFS too and find them so comfortable.
Our social media posts refer to them both as our big cats! Using the links on our website, why not connect up and follow us on our travels?
But comfort is not only about the cars we drive, and we plan to stay with the Jaguar brand as we expand, it is also about the way the cars are driven and how we look after our clients.
Some point soon, we will need to consider alternative fuels, so we are already keeping an eye open for electric cars that have a range of around 700 miles, which is what we consistently get out of our big cat, the XFS!
Back to our subject……….
How we appear
To quote a celebrity “Oh what a beautiful car and you are dressed so smartly. I know I will looked after and kept safe’, our aim is to ensure that from the first time clients see us, they feel comfortable and at ease.
So we arrive in not only a clean suit and chauffeur’s cap, but we also ensure our car is looking at her best - outside as well as inside.
None of our chauffeurs smoke or use bad language which ensures no offence is caused to some of our clients who do neither of these things.
During the drive, we do not start a conversation, and only engage in a discussion should our clients initiate it. We do not ask questions during the conversation, so it is easy for clients to close the discussion down when they like. We respect our clients time and space.
Are you sitting comfortably?
When clients are onboard, we check the air con is to their preference and do not open our window. Of course, should a client wish to open a window, then they are at liberty to do this. En route at regular periods, we will also check that the air con is still to their liking.
When we have 2 or more passengers with us, before we meet and greet, we adjust the drivers seating position as far forward as is safe to drive - this maximises the leg room for clients behind us, even though the cars are already spacious.
We provide for our passengers cooled mineral water, snack bars, tissues, sanitised hand wipes, eye mask, branded mints, as well as a daily newspaper of their choice and 4 quality magazines for browsing.
When collecting from Airport/Seaport Arrivals, we offer a hot drink of their choice and assist with luggage. For longer journeys we also provide hot drinks from the service areas.
When arriving at the car, we first open the car doors and invite our clients to take their seats and while they are getting comfortable, our chauffeurs load the luggage into the boot and if appropriate the top box.
We also offer a charging cable for their mobile phones - we have cables for the top 3 mobiles in UK.
During longer journeys we will check at regular intervals, whether they would like to stop at the services. If not then we continue, providing we are still safe to drive, ensuring that we always stay alert.
Road Rage
I have written many posts and articles about IAM Roadsmart Advanced and Masters qualifications, but I also need to mention here that before I drove in this way, many years ago I was guilty of throwing my passengers around, mostly family.
The facts are that I used to drive too fast and too close to those in front of me, swerving sharply to avoid incidents that in the past, I could have planned better for.
Quite simply although I would not admit it at the time, I was a careless driver and it took a few accidents and the patient comments from my wife, that persuaded me to slow down and take corners carefully.
Fast forward to today
Now each of our chauffeurs drive to maximise our passengers stress free experience and peace of mind which includes, driving at a speed that is appropriate to the road conditions and level of traffic, ensuring that we can slow down gradually when we see a hazard up ahead.
When we change lanes, we signal to others what our intentions are - this also gives peace of mind to our clients so that they know the lane change is deliberate.
We increase our speed including from a stationary position gradually - again so as to
not cause alarm.
When we notice driving standards of other road users are poor, we do not make any gestures or comments about them, realising that this in itself could make our clients anxious.
Our mobiles phone are both set to silent mode and disconnected from the car. In addition, we will not make any calls when a client is onboard and of course, we do not respond to any either. Our phone is out of sight.
We only put the sound system on when our clients ask us, realising that some clients find the time useful for working, planning or making business phone calls and not having to ask us to turn the radio off makes it easier for them.
When driving, we do not drink or eat anything - the aim is to make sure we are looking ahead at all times, checking mirrors and doing a 180 degree scan of the environment around us, ensuring we are always checking for hazards.
All the above helps to make our clients feel comfortable and at ease.
Next Up
The next article will be written about how we guarantee that we are legal and why should that concern our clients.
I hope you are finding this mini series of interest and to some degree, educational and look forward to hearing from you for your travel requirements whether for business or pleasure.
We can be easily reached on 07850 100859 or and for our wedding car services on 07548 931339 or
Safety Guaranteed - Really?
I became an executive chauffeur following the poor experiences I had in the past when I was travelling in the back of cars with other people driving, during my previous career in corporate.
This propelled me to offer a very different way of travelling where we actually guarantee that
I became an executive chauffeur following the poor experiences I had in the past when I was travelling in the back of cars with other people driving, during my previous career in corporate.
This propelled me to offer a very different way of travelling where we actually guarantee that travel with us will be safe and comfortable in the knowledge that we are legal and reliable. This means that our clients have a stress free journey with us every time.
So, I thought I without trying to state the obvious, what does it mean to be safe, and then in future articles, I will elaborate into being comfortable, legal and then finally reliable. There will be some points made along the ay that are actually not the obvious, so it will be worth while checking in on these articles. I quite literally, hope you enjoy the ride of this mini series!
The Safety Guarantee
Can we really guarantee safety, when we all hear about road traffic accidents just about every day? In the news recently as I write this, is the Duke of Edinburgh who was involved in a motor accident, so none of us are without risk.
What I can say, is that as far as is in our chauffeurs control, we will drive in a way that does guarantee your safety.
Even when we walk down a street, we cannot guarantee that we will not be hit by a flying object, or anything else - so I think we have the correct perspective on the subject.
Advanced Driving
Yes, driving safely does come back to the Advanced and Masters driving qualifications that currently myself and all our future executive chauffeurs are required to have. In fact, our wedding car chauffeurs have all qualified as Advanced Drivers. Although some of this very different driving style is also common sense, it is good to describe how our chauffeurs drive, whether for wedding car service or for that which I am focussing on more in this article, our executive chauffeur service.
Fit to Drive
Whenever you agree to travel with us, you can be assured that none of our chauffeurs will have taken any alcohol at all within 24 hours of driving for you. This is more than the legal requirement, which permits driving as long as the driver is below certain limits. We believe that our clients deserve more respect and looking after so we operate a zero tolerance rule on alcohol without exception.
Additionally, our chauffeurs will not have drinks for use by them while they are driving and they will not eat food whilst driving. We ensure that they are focused on their driving and not the crumbs they are dropping etc.
Being a chauffeur requires us to be driving at all times both day and night, so one obvious question is how to stay awake and alert when driving through the early hours of the morning at night time. I have already written an article about his entitled “How to be fresh as a daisy when night driving”, but needless to say, we only take on work when we know we will have enough time to plan sleep before and after night driving.
Mobile phones will not only be on silent but will also be disconnected from the car system, so they are not distracted. No phone calls will be made when they have clients on board.
One of the key training skills learnt during the Advanced and Masters qualifications is observation. This includes checking what is going on in the road at the limit point of vision (explained in my earlier article “So, What's in the Masters?”) and also in the immediate vicinity. It also, includes having 180 degree vision, so constantly scanning not only ahead but also from side to side as well as behind. This ensures that very little can take the chauffeur by surprise, if anything at all. Therefore, braking can be a gradual and planned experience instead of a sudden reaction.
Safe distances
The training our chauffeurs receive, is to learn the safe stopping distances, which are listed below from The Highway Code:
Above 70 mph, you guessed it, our chauffeurs do not do that, as the maximum speed is 70 mph in the UK!
The above stopping distances are those recommended in dry conditions, whereas wet weather requires double the above and ice significantly more!
I am also aware that the above guidelines were written before ABS and other braking aids, but safety is about erring on the side of caution and reducing the risk of an incident wherever possible, after all, how valuable is someones life !
The best grip on the road when braking is always going to be when travelling in a straight line, so our chauffeurs will plan to slow down to the correct speed to take the hazard, whether a corner or otherwise, before entering that hazard. This ensures that there is minimal risk of a skid happening with the potential of losing control.
Naturally, this is even more important during adverse weather conditions. If a situation arises during mid-corner braking, our chauffeurs will brake progressively to avoid locking the wheels - this is a skill where our chauffeurs will actually feel for the moment to release the brake pressure before the wheels lock up.
Tyre Condition
Due to the amount of miles done in a month, averaging 4,000, it is necessary for us to check the tyres condition which also includes the tread depth and tyre pressures. This is done several times a week when we are very busy and at the very least every time we refuel. This ensures that the grip on the road is the best it can be, and therefore stability on the road is good.
Courtesy to Clients
Although I am sure this topic would interest our clients, how does this relate to safety I hear you ask?
Quite simply, it is about the little touches, so for instance, our chauffeurs as they welcome you, they will open the car doors and invite you to enter, while they then load any luggage in the boot. At the end of the journey, they will say that they will ‘get’ the doors, and be the first to get out of the car and check that it is safe to open the door(s) for you, avoiding any traffic that could cause an accident.
Too often on the road, we all have noticed that some cars do not seem to have working indicators. Or could it be a functionality that many drivers are not using these days?
In any case, our chauffeurs will use indicators appropriately when switching lanes or turning off a road onto another one. This gives other road users and pedestrians the knowledge that the car is changing direction.
Even in the night and if there is little traffic, indicators will be used when changing lanes on the motorway - this at least, gives you our client, the knowledge that changing lanes was deliberate, and helps to give you confidence that our chauffeur’s attention hasn’t dropped or worse!
There are indeed many other aspects of safety, but the above are the key ones that we focus on. Nothing has been mentioned about the safety functionalities of the Jaguars that we drive. Today’s modern vehicles have many inbuilt safety features which re increasing all the time as technology develops. While our chauffeurs will use the technology available, the above mentioned are fundamental to our service and therefore, our guarantee.
Next time I will elaborate how we guarantee that you our client and passenger will be comfortable.
From Here to Gold and Beyond!
So here we are at the end of 2018 and about to embark on another year.
I am amazed at how quickly this year has just flown by, and to think I can almost say that I have been self employed for 2 years is just incredible. But to achieve this and to be still growing is evident from the past 12 months, I am very thankful to all our clients whether they
So here we are at the end of 2018 and about to embark on another year.
I am amazed at how quickly this year has just flown by, and to think I can almost say that I have been self employed for 2 years is just incredible. But to achieve this and to be still growing is evident from the past 12 months, I am very thankful to all our clients whether they were for our executive travel service or for our wedding cars.
They are each equally important to us and we have been so privileged to be able to provide for each one our consistently high standard of chauffeur service.
To give an idea, here is a brief summary of the places we have taken our clients to with the number of times we have been there during 2018 alone:
They were sailing and now for a cruising with our big cat!
Airports: Heathrow 75, Bristol 16, Gatwick 15, Stansted 6, Birmingham 5, Luton 2, Southampton 1 and also Southampton Docks 4.
We have also travelled as far as Middlesborough, Swansea, Cambridgeshire, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Bolton, and BBC Salford Studios, Manchester with a certain Gold Cup, and many other locations in between, which illustrates that we will travel just about anywhere in Britain as long as it is cost effective. In addition, we have been to 18 locations in London.
We have collected clients from and taken them to helicopters, ships, trains as well as planes, and taken other clients to events such as Ascot and Cheltenham Races, as well as concerts at Wembley, football at the Emirates Stadium and the Harry Potter World, Leavesden.
As far as business to pleasure ratio, our clients have been interestingly split 50%, which we could not have planned! In addition to all the above journeys and more, we have also done 19 weddings.
So the message from all the above, is that 2018 has been a year in which we have grown in experience, completed 40,000 miles, and evidenced by our 60 five star google reviews and many more on our website, our clients agree that we are safe, comfortable, legal and reliable where we plan to do the waiting so that our clients do not have to.
In 2019, we would like to provide more clients with our service which we plan to expand on during the year and to encourage this, we would like to offer every new client for their first journey with us, a 10% discount from our standard executive travel price including any airport return if required.
…. and many more on our website!
2019 will be a year to consolidate and to expand so more people can enjoy our and benefit from our quality personal chauffeur services in the future.
So, What's in the Masters?
After the good feedback received from my previous article on POWDERY checks I thought I would make public the 27 check points that examiners use to judge the skill of an advanced driver when they take the Masters driving test with IAM Roadsmart.
I realise doing this could make me vulnerable, but it does provide an insight into the testing involved should anyone be interested in improving their own driving skills to make them a safer and more observant driver.
After the good feedback received from my previous article on POWDERY checks I thought I would make public the 27 check points that examiners use to judge the skill of an advanced driver when they take the Masters driving test with IAM Roadsmart.
I realise doing this could make me vulnerable, but it does provide an insight into the testing involved should anyone be interested in improving their own driving skills to make them a safer and more observant driver.
I passed the Masters test in November 2017 after previously passing the advanced test in 2013. We travelled a distance of around 50 miles over approx. 2 hours covering A, B and C class roads with dry and bright conditions.
Throughout the 2 hour test, I was required to give a verbal commentary of what I observed and what difference that made to the way I drove and planned the journey.
To obtain a Distinction in the masters, each of the check points in the image must score a 1, but as you see there are some 2’s, so my grade was a Pass. I was told that there is no shame in this as to get a masters qualification is no mean effort.
Also, in the image of the pass certificate, are comments about why I did not achieve a 1 for certain checks. I am actually encouraged that the main reason is because I drove the test being more client focussed to ensure the drive was smooth with no rapid acceleration, braking or sharp cornering - the problem is, to achieve a masters distinction, requires just that - to demonstrate that I can drive at the limit.
The Limit Point of Vision (LPOV) is a very useful system to enable driving to the limit but also being able to stay safe.
The LPOV is the farthest point along a road to which you have a clear and uninterrupted view of the road surface....” ... It is the point along the road ahead where both sides of the carriageway appear to meet and form in a point; this is the limit of your vision. The LPOV moves as you progress along the road and the speed you go is determined by the distance you can see to be clear and the distance within which you can stop.
The points graded as a 2 were on planning, hazard management, use of gearbox, braking, signals, cornering, overtaking, restraint and progress. My learning for the next time I take the masters test is to be more aggressive, but for now, I take comfort in that my priority is to give my clients a smooth and progressive journey when they can feel totally safe and comfortable at all times.
So there we have it, I passed but was too focussed on safety to be able to achieve the distinction - goes that is not too much of an issue really!
Have you done your Powdery checks?
Following on from my previous article, where I outlined the major phases of the system of car control
“I P S G A”, the Information part flows through each phase and is a continual source of input and output.
Indeed there are many ways of giving information to other road users and pedestrians. Among them are those I have listed below:
Following on from my previous article, where I outlined the major phases of the system of car control
“I P S G A”, the Information part flows through each phase and is a continual source of input and output.
Indeed there are many ways of giving information to other road users and pedestrians. Among them are those I have listed below:
use of direction indicators
hand signals
headlamp flashes
position on the road optimised for safety, visibility and correct routing
speed appropriate to the hazard being approached, attained via explicit braking or throttle control (engine braking, also known as acceleration sense), always being able to stop in the distance you can see to be clear on your side of the road
You may be able to think of others!
Recently you may have seen on my social media posts and also on LinkedIn that I have had the privilege of testing a big Audi A8L (long wheelbase). It was during one of those drives when we were visiting family in Somerset, that I was reminded of another set of basic tests that should be used before actually driving off in a car, especially when driving a car that you are not used to.
This will become clear as we progress through this article and yes, as you would expect, there is a funny side to this!
Firstly, IAM Roadsmart has a set of tests that are used before even getting in the car. These come from the Police Federation, when the police pursuit driver is not necessarily getting into the same car each day. So this is where P O W DE R Y comes into play.
Does the vehicle have enough fuel be that Diesel, Petrol or nowadays electrical charge for the journey ahead?
There are many oil reservoirs and (if applicable) they need to check regularly. Vehicles will have some or all of the following:
Brake fluid
Engine oil
Clutch fluid
Gearbox oil
Power steering fluid
There are also various water reservoirs and (if applicable) they also need to check regularly.:
Engine coolant
Screen washer - these is often forgotten and is a legal requirement
If your vehicle has been parked overnight on the street or in a public car park area, it may have suffered damage caused by other road users. It is wise to know what damage (if any) has been caused before driving off. Making a quick check of the below areas is fundamentally important:
Wheels for damage - the can be avoided by parking with your wheels straight to avoid other road users clipping them
Tyres for slits and punctures
Bodywork for knocks and scratches - you may find the other piece of evidence on the car parked next to you!
Check the functioning of exterior lights, indicators and brake lights. Also check interior lighting.
Tyre pressures should be correct to the manufacturers recommendations - when were these last checked?
Tyre tread depth should be a minimum of 1.6 mm across 3/4 of the breadth of the tread and around the entire circumference
Remembering that tread depth of less than 3 mm is less efficient in dispersing water
Windscreen wiper rubbers - are they worn? Would be best to change them as soon as any wear is identified
Hoses under the bonnet - check for condition and tightness of clips.
Are you fit to drive? Most crashes are caused by human error. Be sure you are fit to drive. Not only does this refer to the alcohol limit, but also, are you too stressed or just too tired?
So there we have the basic checks before driving off - I admit a lot of them are obvious, and when you are only driving your own car, most do not need to be done before every journey, but they should all be done at least on a regular basis.
Cockpit Drill
So this is where we come to the funny point when I was reminded about the use of a cockpit drill in Somerset in the Audi.
These points are required to be spoken out before taking the IAM Roadsmart Advanced test, but it is also good to remind yourself of them in your mind at least before driving off. Some of the below points may or may not be necessary due to the increase of driving aids fitted as standard on many modern cars.
The car has ABS brakes and power steering but no other significant driver aids.
My POWDERY Checks have been completed and I am satisfied that they are all correct.
The Handbrake is on, gear lever is in neutral.
My seat and head restraint are positioned correctly.
I’m checking the mirrors are positioned correctly and I am checking all the doors are closed, by looking down the external body lines of the car using the mirrors.
I’m switching on the ignition and I am checking that all the warning lights that should be on, are on.
I’m now checking that all warning lights which should go out, have gone out.
I’m starting the engine and checking that all warning lights have gone out except the parking brake, which I am checking now.
I’m doing a static brake pressure test, which is good.
I am checking the seat belt for correct operation and that it is properly fastened. I’m also checking that passengers have their seatbelts on. In UK, there is a legal requirement that seat belts must be used in the rear as well as the front seats.
The ventilation is set to me and my passenger’s requirements.
Today is a bright, clear Friday afternoon and I’m expecting some commuter traffic later in the drive. There has been no rain for a while so I’m not expecting any standing water.
I do not require the use of lights or wipers at this time.
The above is an example of what is spoken as the Advanced test is started, but obviously the details on some points, are changed depending upon what is happening that day!
So from the above cockpit drill, which is the point that I would have done well to remember I hear you say?
One of the great features that many modern cars are fitted with these days is a button to press on the boot lip that gently shuts the boot. You’ve guessed it - point 5!
My wife and I were about to return home after a lovely time is a park with the family. I was already in the drivers seat of the loan Audi A8L and my wife placed a few more items in the boot, pressed the button and got in the car.
I drove off through the car parking area of the park and other members of the family were looking at us strangely. I slowed down, stopped and opened my window as my daughter said - do you normally drive off with the boot fully open Dad?
The button hadn’t closed the boot as the wrong button was pressed. Totally my responsibility, so I got out and rectified the problem.
Now, had I done the cockpit drill, that would not have happened - it’s good to be reminded sometimes of such basic checks. Also, had I been the chauffeur that day to my wife, I would have loaded and closed the boot myself, opened the door for her and closed it before getting into the drivers seat. That’ll teach me for having a day off!
From Irresponsible "Boy Racer" to Professional Chauffeur
During my travels and I am sure you all do, I notice varying skills of driving. It sometimes still shocks me at how some people can be when they squeeze their car into gaps when travelling at often excessive speeds even over and above the speed limit.
We have seen on YouTube
During my travels and I am sure you all do, I notice varying skills of driving. It sometimes still shocks me at how some people can be when they squeeze their car into gaps when travelling at often excessive speeds even over and above the speed limit.
We have seen on YouTube clips of people overtaking and only just making it avoiding a collision by a whisker - but to be on the receiving end of this in real life ourselves is something quite different.
Thankfully I have not been involved in a massive accident myself, but I have been a victim of a lorry driver falling asleep at the same moment as I was overtaking him at 1:30am on the M25 at 70 mph! Again thankfully, the damage was not severe, although inconvenient, and amazingly my car held straight and no one was actually hurt.
In my younger days, I did have quite a number of accidents, that I can now look back and say that I could and should have avoided. My father was so patient with me in those days, even when I wrote off a vehicle that he loaned me. So, yes, I am ashamed to admit that I have been the cause of accidents in the past and I even drove much in excess of the speed limit when returning from Cheddar, Somerset to our home at Dauntsey Lock, near Lyneham, Wiltshire - indeed, I used that route as a time trial to beat my last time in my Mini 1000.
So, from my experiences and observing other driving standards, I thought I would write a further blog that attempts to explain what is going through my mind as currently, I drive in excess of 1,000 miles per week for clients.
I P S G A the System of Car Control
This can be best explained by considering what is know as I P S G A, the System of Car Control as taught by IAM Roadsmart and the Police Federation Roadcraft. It was first devised at the Police College at Hendon over 60 years ago and has formed the core of the Police Rider’s Handbook or Roadcraft since then.
The 'System' is a systematic method of driving which, if used correctly, will substantially reduce the risk of a driver being the cause of an accident. A detailed explanation of the System is given in Roadcraft, the police driver's manual, and it is to this book you must refer if you want a thorough understanding.
There are five phases of the System which must be considered on the approach to any hazard. A hazard can be the presence and/or movement of any vehicle or pedestrian, a road feature such as a roundabout or a climatic feature such as a sudden downpour of rain.
The five features are:
The Information phase overlaps every other phase of the System.
In the description of the Information phase Roadcraft adds the sub-acronym T.U.G or Take-Use-Give as an indication that we have to do something with all that information.
Take in information by looking at traffic signs and looking at the position and movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Be aware of observation links i.e. the hazards associated with what can be seen e.g. parked vehicles, a pedestrian flagging a taxi, a garage forecourt, a pedestrian walking to the front of a bus or roadside telephone poles formed into a curved line in the distance. Use your mirrors at any point in the System but particularly before changing position, before slowing or after changing gear i.e. a final check behind before the hazard is reached.
Use the information you have gathered by making a plan to deal with the identified hazards and making contingency plans for dealing with the unexpected e.g. car doors opening, a taxi suddenly stopping, a car shooting out of a roadside garage, a bus suddenly stopping or a car coming fast out of a bend ahead.
Give information to other road users e.g. using your indicators to inform them that you are going to change position, using your horn or flashing your headlights to let them know of your presence.
Position your vehicle to re-enforce any other form of signal.
Position yourself so that you can pass hazards safely and smoothly. Give a good clearance when passing parked vehicles, cyclists or when overtaking moving vehicles. Follow the advice given in the Highway Code for positioning on the approach to roundabouts. Position yourself when approaching bends in national speed limit areas so as to maximise your view of the road ahead - taking account of oncoming/following vehicles and nearside hazards. Good observation will allow you to make the most effective use of available (legal) road space e.g. taking a clear lane at traffic lights on a dual carriageway. Good positioning smoothes progress.
Obtain a safe speed to negotiate the hazard. Reduce speed, if need be, by either easing the pressure on the accelerator pedal (deceleration) or by braking. Whatever method is used it is essential to lose speed smoothly.
Once you have the right speed for the hazard, engage the correct gear for that speed. The aim, almost all of the time, is to have a clean separation between braking and changing gear i.e. no overlapping. Slight overlapping when going downhill into a corner or a bend is acceptable PROVIDED you do the gear change when most of the braking has already been done.
Consider accelerating away from the hazard after taking account of your speed and the position/movement of other road users. The accelerator pedal is NOT an on/off switch to be suddenly pressed to the floor when a hazard has been negotiated. Use the pedal smoothly.
Summing Up
The emphasis I personally place on driving in each of the above phases, is making the experience smooth, so I plan ahead and aim to slow down gradually, so as to maximise the comfort for my passengers and minimise the stress that can be caused by sudden or erratic movements of my car.
Obviously when necessary I can brake suddenly in an emergency and I am always prepared to do that, but that would be the exception, as planning ahead can mostly avoid those times.
I became a qualified Advanced Driver though IAM Roadsmart in February 2013 and qualified as Master with them in November 2017 ensuring that I maintain the same high standard after then 4 years.
To continue to be qualified as a Master, I now need to retake regularly which I am committed to do. In fact when we are able to explain and take on professional chauffeurs, they also will need to become a Master Driver - we are intent on making sure that the same high driving standards are maintained, which is now become part of our branding.
Is there more to learn?
For those interested, I plan to write a few more blogs focussed on driving safely and how to prepare - do watch out for those in the coming weeks/months ahead. Life is all about learning, no matter what sphere we are in - we can always be a better version of who we are and what we do. Onwards and upwards they say!
To Wax Or Not To Wax, That Is The Question?
Since my previous article on the preliminary stages of preparing my cars, it seems I have been on the road so much that I cannot quite believe it that 2 months have passed by !
So, here is part 2 of how I
Since my previous article on the preliminary stages of preparing my cars, it seems I have been on the road so much that I cannot quite believe it that 2 months have passed by !
So, here is part 2 of how I keep our big cats looking brilliant most of the time, written in a cafe when on a wait period in the Pennines before taking clients back down south.
Once again, I make no apology that all the products I use, are from one supplier who have proved to be so reliable in their customer service, and supply great products that do ‘what it says on the tin’ so to speak - shout out to The Clay Cloth Company.
The kit that I take with me on journeys to ensure I can deliver my car in pristine condition includes the following:
Multiple micro fibre towels and cloths
CCC Detailing Spray
Killerwaxx window spray
Killerwaxx leather cleaner
Killerwaxx No 1Moon Shine
Not forgetting some rubber gloves to protect my hands
Using the above products and being aware of the dirt collecting in the cloths and therefore, using fresh ones ensures the paintwork is not damaged by cleaning without water.
What do I do if it is raining
Quite simply the best I can do when it is still raining, is to use the large micro fibre towels to wipe the car down from the dirt picked up on the journey to a place near my client. This may take 3 large towels using a clean area of the towel as much as possible.
If it is no longer raining, after cleaning and drying the car, I can use the detailing wax spray.
Bearing in mind, I am wearing my chauffeur’s uniform ( the cap and jacket stay in the car! ) when cleaning and waxing the car, and when the weather is or has been bad, I wear a light jacket over my shirt.
I have been known to wax my car in such places as supermarket car parks, church car parks, on the roadside, recreation ground parking areas - in fact anywhere and even under moon light. It’s surprising how much you can see in the dark when your eyes adjust. The main consideration is always safety though!
So the order in which I do the panels is important to avoid getting my cloths wet or dirty..
Sides first ( not forgetting inside the doors ), then back end and front end, followed by the roof. Once the paint work and windows are complete, I then move onto the alloys.
Nothing like a good old waxing!
After doing the above process, comes detailing wax using the fine micro fibre cloth and then the fluffy micro fibre to buff up. Yes, the alloys also get a good waxing to return the shine once again.
Killerwaxx Moonshine is not used before every client job, but I carry it with me just in case I notice some swirl or scratch marks.
As mentioned in my previous article, currently I use Killerwaxx Extreme Window Cleaner. Glass gets very warm in the sun and the real added bonus with this product is that you can spray it on a hot window and it will not evaporate, steam away or streak like all others on the market.
Again as previously covered in my previous article, Killerwaxx Premium Leather Cleaner cleans and lifts away dirt and oil build up on all types of leather. Cleaner will not dissolve the natural oils found in leather. This is not always used on each job, but I carry it with me just in case it is needed.
The whole above process is done just before I present the car to a client, just a mile or two from the collection address, and takes between 20 and 40 minutes depending on how dirty the weather has been.
So there you have it - no doubt other products are out there that you may be used to and that provide the quality you require, but it is always good to know that CCC have the product you need which comes with a full recommendation from their many satisfied customers - plug over and done!
Do follow me on other social media platforms (@dbexectravel) where I post regular updates of where I am - I might even start a competition to see who can come up with the area or even the location where I am waxing down - keep in touch and see you soon!